>欧莱雅团体首席执行官叶鸿慕:中国,仍是中国-国内-CBO-正在这里,交互寰球美妆新贸易代价 .burger-close {right: 30px; } CBO首页 English Channel 最新头条CBOXFM对话财报将来品牌首店颜究跑市场陈诉法例微澜ESG 登录 抢手搜寻 欧莱雅 药监局 首店颜究 将来品牌 新品 面膜 彩妆 欧莱雅团体首席执行官叶鸿慕:中国,仍是中国 2024-03-26 浏览量:4487 起源|化装品财经正在线 作者|欧莱雅团体
.wz_news img{text-align:center} 3月25日,北京-中国倒退高层论坛2024年年会正在北京召开,主题为“继续倒退的中国”。该论坛是每一年中国当局高层辅导、寰球商界首领、国内组织以及中外学者之间首要的对话平台。欧莱雅团体首席执行官叶鸿慕缺席论坛,表白了团体关于中国市场的继续信念,并正在专题研讨会上,就美妆行业若何开释新型生产与内需后劲分享了洞察。△欧莱雅团体CEO叶鸿慕缺席中国倒退高层论坛并正在专题研讨会分享洞察欧莱雅团体首席执行官叶鸿慕示意:“美不断正在中国社会中盘踞着首要位置,将继续推进中国的高品质倒退。欧莱雅团体将持续投资中国。由于咱们置信,投资中国,就是投资将来——一个增进的、翻新的和更担任以及容纳的将来。”现在的中国美妆市场已生长为世界第二年夜化装品生产市场,叶鸿慕强调,中国的美妆行业正敏锐成为生产畛域最具生机的行业之一。现实上,虽然欧莱雅团体已成为中国的美妆行业引领者,为约莫1亿名生产者提供效劳,但他也看到了继续可观增进的后劲,将来几年将触达4亿生产者。正在“新型生产与内需后劲开释”专题研讨会上,叶鸿慕更深化地讨论了中国美妆行业的后劲:探究杰出翻新、富裕发明力的生产者联动以及担任任的生产的作用。他也概述了欧莱雅作为一个团体若何投资能人倒退,促成中国科技生态圈,晋升智能物流能级以发明美妆的将来。△欧莱雅团体CEO叶鸿慕缺席中国倒退高层论坛“新型生产与内需后劲开释专题研讨会”最初,正在提交给论坛的企业陈诉中,欧莱雅团体引见了“漂亮新质能”的概念,与中国新倡导的“新质消费力”放弃分歧。为了完成这一指标,并进一步激起美妆行业的生机,欧莱雅团体概述了四年夜要害维度——观点、行业、市场、社会。如下为致辞原文:Dear Friends:尊崇的列位冤家:I am happy and honoured to contribute to this year’s CDF – an event which has become a high-level platform for open discussion, and which reflects China’s determination to embrace a new era of high-quality development.我十分快乐、也深感荣幸可以参加往年的中国倒退高层论坛。中国倒退高层论坛未然成为一个高程度的开放探讨平台,表现了中国拥抱高品质倒退新时代的坚决决计。L’Oréal has been present in China for 26 years, and over this time we have seen a huge increase in the desire for beauty and an opening of the business environment. We are now the number one beauty company in China, and China has become our second largest market worldwide. And we remain confident in China.欧莱雅团体已深耕中国市场26年。一路走来,咱们见证了人们对美日积月累的盼望以及中国日益开放的营商环境。明天,咱们曾经是中国美妆行业的辅导者,中国同样成为了欧莱雅团体正在寰球的第二年夜市场。咱们对中国充溢了信念以及等待。Here in China, beauty is deeply rooted in history and culture: From prehistoric times, and the forehead decorations, or Hua Dian, of the Tang dynasty, to the diverse needs of the Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha consumers of today, beauty has and will always play an important role in Chinese society. I am convinced that beauty will continue to be a force in China’s high-quality development.正在中国,美早已深深植根于汗青以及文明之中:无论是史前的装璜工艺、唐朝的花钿风俗,仍是现今Z世代以及Alpha世代生产者的多元需要,美不断正在中国社会中盘踞着首要位置。我深信,美将继续推进中国的高品质倒退。Over the past few years, we have already seen steady growth based on scientific and technological innovation - like 5G, AI and the e-economy, together with notable progress in green, low-carbon transformation - like the recently announced 2060 Dual Carbon Goal. Growth is also being driven by the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and of course the significant reform and opening up of the business environment.过来数年来,咱们见证了中国经济经过5G、人工智能以及数字经济等科技翻新完成了稳步增进,同时绿色低碳转型效果也分外有目共睹,譬如以前曾提出的2030年“碳达峰”以及2060年“碳中以及”的双碳指标。城乡的调和倒退,和营商环境的粗浅改革与开放,也都为增进注入了新的能源。L'Oréal will continue to invest in China as we believe that investing in China is investing in the future.欧莱雅团体将持续投资中国。由于咱们置信,投资中国,就是投资将来。First – Investing in China is investing in the future of growth.起首,投资中国就是投资增进的将来。We already have a very well-developed network on the ground here in China – with a strong portfolio of brands, together with locally based Research & Innovation, Marketing, Manufacturing, and Distribution Centres. We are currently investing in two new fulfillment centres, in Suzhou and Nantong, to support the rapidly growing e-co妹妹erce sector across China. The first of these, in Suzhou, will officially open in April this year. In addition, from a brand perspective, we have recently invested in the niche Chinese fragrance brand ‘To Su妹妹er’, with the aim of offering consumers around the world new olfactive experiences inspired by Chinese art, culture and fragrance ingredients.咱们曾经正在中国建设了成熟的营业网络,不只有弱小的品牌矩阵,也有内陆化的研发与翻新、营销、制作以及分销中心。今朝,咱们在姑苏以及南通建立两个全新的智能经营中心,用于支持中国疾速增进的电贸易务。此中,位于姑苏的智能经营中心将于往年4月正式启用。别的,正在品牌投资方面,咱们比来刚刚投资了中国小众香水香氛品牌“观夏(To Su妹妹er)”,旨正在为世界各地的生产者带来一场启示于西方文艺哲思以及珍萃西方香材的嗅觉感官之旅。Second - Investing in China is investing in the future of innovation.第二,投资中国就是投资翻新的将来。China increasingly plays an important role in the Group’s innovation footprint – and home to one of our Global R&I Research Centres, one of only three Beauty Tech Hubs worldwide, and a product evaluation Centre. We are also leveraging China’s unique open innovation ecosystem. Through our BOLD investment fund, our corporate VC, we have recently invested in Chinese start-up Zuvi, resulting in the launch of a revolutionary new hairdryer, Airlight Pro, at this year’s CES in Las Vegas.中国正在咱们团体翻新幅员中的首要位置正日趋凸显——它不只是咱们寰球六年夜研发与翻新中心所正在地之一,也是咱们寰球三年夜美妆科技中心之一,和产物评价中心。咱们同时也踊跃联动中国举世无双的开放式翻新生态圈,近期,咱们经过团体策略翻新危险投资基金公司BOLD,对中国草创企业汝原科技 (Zuvi)进行了投资,这一协作的效果即是往年正在拉斯维加斯生产电子博览会(CES)上推出的反动性新产物Airlight Pro吹风机。China is also home to the Group’s first investment fund outside of France - Meicifang, which recently invested in biotech company ShineHigh Innovation, to co-develop new sustainable beauty solutions. This collaboration represents the first investment resulting from the BIG BANG Beauty Tech Innovation Challenge, jointly organized by L’Oréal, and which was recently expanded as part of the French President’s visit to China last year, to maximize the impact of North Asia’s open innovation eco-system at a regional and global level. 欧莱雅团体还正在中国成立了首个法国外乡之外的投资公司——美次方。近期,美次方投资了中国生物科技公司杉海翻新 (ShineHigh Innovation),将与其独特研发全新的可继续美妆处理计划。这是欧莱雅发动的“BIG BANG美妆科技发明营”所孵化的首个获投名目。别的,BIG BANG的名目规模也正在去年法国总统访华时期进一步扩展,以充沛施展北亚开放式翻新生态圈正在区域甚至寰球层面的影响力。Third - Investing in China is investing in the future of a more responsible and inclusive society.第三,投资中国就是投资更担任以及容纳的将来。At L’Oréal we are co妹妹itted to a future of beauty that is more diverse, inclusive and responsible – and for that reason we take our environmental and social responsibilities very seriously.正在欧莱雅,咱们努力于打造更多元、更容纳、更担任的将来之美。恰是基于这一愿景,咱们非常注重环境维护以及社会责任。We are also working to drive a more inclusive society through a number of Group programs and brand causes – including L’Oréal for Youth, designed to support youth employment; and the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science and For Girls in Science programs, designed to support and celebrate the contribution of female scientists across the world.咱们还努力于经过团体的多个名目以及品牌流动来构建更具容纳性的社会,包罗支持青年失业的“欧莱雅,为青年”名目,和支持以及表扬寰球卓越女性迷信家的欧莱雅-联结国教科文组织“为投身于迷信的女性”方案以及“科技女生赋能”方案。At L’Oréal, we believe that beauty has the power to preserve cultural heritage, stimulate innovation, promote social and economic growth, promote diversity and inclusion and contribute to well-being. Here in China, beauty also represents a rising pursuit for a better life and a catalyst for China’s high-quality development.正在欧莱雅,咱们深信美是一种共同的力气。美不只能守护文明传承、一直激起翻新,还能促成社会与经济增进,推进多样性与容纳性,并为人们的福祉添砖加瓦。正在中国,美不只是对更美妙生存的没有懈谋求,也是中国高品质倒退的助推器。As the number one beauty company in China, L’Oréal remains co妹妹itted to supporting the Chinese path to modernization. We believe that the next China is China – and we will continue to develop in China, for China and with China.身为中国美妆行业的辅导者,欧莱雅始终支持中国的古代化倒退。咱们深信,下一个“中国”,仍是中国——咱们将持续正在中国、为中国,并与中国独特生长。The 60th anniversary of Sino-French relations, is a perfect opportunity for our two countries to come together and create a new path for harmony and cooperation. At L’Oréal we remain co妹妹itted to playing our own unique role in these discussions and help take China’s high-quality development to new heights.往年恰逢中法建交六十周年,这为两国携手并肩,共创谐和与协作的新将来提供了绝佳时机。这此中,欧莱雅将持续施展本身的共同作用,助力中国的高品质倒退达到新高度。I wish you all a successful CDF.最初,预祝中国倒退高层论坛获得美满胜利!Thank You.谢谢。 保举浏览 Copyright ©2010-2023CBO. All Rights Reserved 鄂ICP备10205134号鄂公网安备 42010202001450号 .code_wrap{position: absolute;left:50%;/*top:32%;*/bottom: 100px;width:900px;z-index:50;}.code{width: 100%;overflow: hidden;position: relative;}.code li{float: left;width: 150px;height:150px;}.code li img{width: 150px;height:150px;display: none;}.code li img.wechat{position:absolute;left:448px;} 旅客拜访登岸不账号? 请点击注册遗记明码 登 录应用其余形式登录QQ登录微信登录微博登录 登录即代表您已赞同 CBO用户注册协定与隐衷政策 注册 注 册 登录即代表您已赞同 CBO用户注册协定与隐衷政策-九游体育,/p>